3:34 AM

Hitting it.

Posted by Yuinyi |

Yes I just hit 20. No longer a teen!! It's now TWO ZERO.

Just saying out the word TWENTY makes me feel old already. And YET. Not legal. I'm so stuck in between. Hah.

Freddy said, people who just came to US always like to think they have birthdays for TWO days. XD

So my birthday (Malaysian time) started off with me rushing off to the Physics lecture, and then rushing out and rushing to another lecture, and a party at night a a friend's friend's place.

Then we all gathered at Applebee's the next day, which was the 23rd according to the time here, and had a cake from ColdStone!! (which was very hard by the way because it was kinda frozen XD) :))

It was all pretty awesome, because of the people who made it awesome. Thank you everyone who showed up today! And Freddy too, even though you boarded the wrong bus (LOL are you sure you are a senior here?) and didn't make it. I totally understand. Heh.

So here's a list of all the people I want to thank.

My dad, sisters and brother, who wished me multiple times, and through all many ways - the calls, the texts, the instant messages, and the facebook email message where my dad addressed me as cutie (haha thanks Dad XD). My sister sent me a message on MSN like this:
LOL cute leh.
And I am sorry for not calling often or picking up the phone sometimes. My phone is sometimes too far away from me for me to hear it.

My aunt, and everyone in New York, for calling and looking out for me all this time. :) Sorry I tend to miss some calls!

Hafidz, for just everything up until today. You know I miss you and all that. I WAS a LITTLE disappointed that I couldn't speak to you, but oh well. There's nothing we can do about it really. But thank you. :)

Kelvian! My girlfriend SUPER AWESOME best uh, guy friend? LOL for wishing me more than twice even though I only asked for twice. XD And for the ELMO. I hope it reaches safely this time! And I know sometimes we don't agree on certain things, and we might not understand why we do what, but hey, it's 14 months! :))

All my best girlfriends! Jas, Shirleen, Michelle! You girls know I love you girls so much! :)) I wished I could spend it with you girls but we are all in different parts of the world. :(

My housemate Puiyin! For organizing the events today!
And all the other bunch of UIUC people - Sabrina, Huilin, Eric, Yong Siang, Yon Chiet, Hoong Chin, Kent, Freddy, Patrick, Meng Peun, Yik Han, Danny, Esvina, Jonathan, Kar Leng, Weng Seng, Chun Tian - for making it to my birthday celebration today! And to Danny and Esvina for cooking chicken rice for me tonight! I laughed so much tonight I think I am gonna lose my voice tomorrow. Awesome people! :))

Sanddy, Alicia, Wei Lun for actually attempting to call me at the strike of midnight just to wish me and talk to me! I am SORRY for missing the calls, and I know I promised to call back tonight but I left my phone at home ALL day. Gosh I WILL catch up with you guys like when I wake up later! I MISS YOU GUYS!

EVERYONE in Wisconsin - Kia Tzun, Hui Chin, Phin Ying, Li Xuan, Yi Sin, Micheal, Jon Mok, Hui Theng, Govind - for the wonderful card! I feel the LOVE! Who drew the cake anyway? It looks DELICIOUS! XD

Nico - for the books! Omg Thank you!! I love Calvin and Hobbes! And I have wanted to read a Cecelia Ahern book for sometime, but I never really want to spend on books, as always. XD Thanks!!!

Oh! and also Tony Wojkowski for agreeing to breakdance on Friday night! (nothing to do with my birthday really but Yay

And basically to EVERYONE else who wished me on facebook, MSN, email, text messages, or in person. I try my best to thank everyone on facebook, but IF I did miss anyone, I'm so sorry and THANK YOU.

This has definitely been a better one than last year, even though there wasn't any crazy party with lots of people. So I really appreciated it. :) I have learnt that it's not the amount of people, or the party that matters. It's who you're spending it with. :)

And please, stop telling me I am TWENTY. XD

4 craps:

Liz said...

you are TWENTY =P

Yuinyi said...

LOL O-kaaaaayy. XD

Liz said...

well enjoy it while it lasts though =p in a year i will be happily chanting 'you are TWENTY ONE' =p

then again, you'd probably kenakan me first lol.

Yuinyi said...

Hahahhaa well at least 21 is legal. XD
