2:23 PM

And once again

Posted by Yuinyi |

Wishing everyone at home a Happy New Year!! Note the awesome date - 1/1/11. =D

Greetings from San Francisco for now! Will be back soon!

8:19 PM

As I am trying

Posted by Yuinyi |

What I would miss most from the US:

-the weather
-the cookies
-the Subway
-the JimmyJohns
-the Starbucks
-the insanely large portions of food
-my room
-the snow
-the shopping
-the Halloween
-the Christmas
-the cars-yield-to-pedestrians
-the CUMTD busses
-the friends
-the boyfriend ='(

4:12 PM

What hurts the most

Posted by Yuinyi |

is that we've shared so much together, laughed together, did so much together, and most of all loved. What hurts is how much I have given and trusted.

Does that all mean nothing to you? How could you do this to me?

7:21 PM

Fine then.

Posted by Yuinyi |

Unappreciative. Ungrateful. Stingy. Calculative.

What about your mistakes in which I so willingly paid up for because I WANTED TO SHARE THE BURDEN. Now go ahead and just make everything difficult for me. Just push me to a corner.

