I am sitting in an empty gloomy computer lab, my paper is in 2 hours, and for every 5 questions that I tried to do I messed up 4 and don't understand why.
I really wouldn't be so upset even if I am not the A range student. I wouldn't be upset if I am a B range student. I wouldn't even be upset if this is a C I am looking at. But no, this is not a matter of A, B, or C. I am looking at the possibility of me failing and having to repeat the course. Not that A B or C does not matter. But when I look at where I am standing, I wonder why some people have to complain about not getting an A.
Then again, looking at where they are standing, that's probably how I would feel too for not getting an A. That, would be me when I was in high school.
I didn't know when I started settling for a B.
I read and reread and tried so hard to understand the notes (that comes with as little examples as possible, seriously!) but I can't! Up to this point, I realize that there's something wrong somewhere.
It is either :
- me - brain not developed to understand twisted physics stuff (cannot twist brain)
- me - making the wrong decision
- the education system that I was brought up with is just not good enough
- the education system that I was brought up does not tally with the US education system enough
- the lecturer thinks we're all too smart
I can't decide and spot exactly where the problem is. It must be all of it. Mostly I blame myself for choosing this major. My life is screwed because I made the wrong choice and because I did not have much options. And I have yet to get over that fact. I've always believed that people will only succeed in doing what they have passion for. Yet, I went against that and thought that I will be able to do this.
Every time someone asks me, "Done studying?" I feel very annoyed because obviousy, duh, no! And the same question will be asked repeatedly everyday about that same subject I am studying for, until a point where I get very annoyed. Mostly I think it's me being frustrated at myself for never being able to answer yes. Because no matter how much I try to study, I will never be prepared enough to say, "Yea I'm done. Next!"
So yes, I feel helpless and I have no clue how to sit for the exam later and feel good about it. It is 2 hours away and I really cannot do much because of how I feel right now.
Fire trucks that keeps passing by with REALLY noisy and annoying sirens are not helping either.
Feeling helpless sucks. BIG TIME.
It's one and a half hours away. I'm in a cold, gloomy isolated lab, looking at my notes helplessly.
The snow came today, even though it was very very brief. (Freddy didn't believe me when I told him it was snowing! =.=) It just went shoosh, and then it's gone. I bet you could tell how excited everyone (that is, us jakuns who haven't seen a single speck of snow in our 19 years of life, until today) was. Once we got a call saying that it's snowing, everyone left the books and went straight for the balcony. There is was, white, light and pretty - the way I always thought it would be.
The neighbours must have heard our excitement, because they too came out to see the snow. It was a suprisingly friendly moment. We've never actually met or talked to them, and I never knew who were the people who hang out occasionally at the balcony beside ours. Tonight, we met them and it was a friendly moment when we commented on the snow, that was pretty but lasted only for a while, before we left the chilly balconies. I think we should really get to know our neighbours. :)
It was a little disappointing though, because we did not take any pictures when the snow was here. We thought it would last the entire night but we waited, and then it was gone.
I've always said that I really am dreading the snow. It's bad enough to feel cold, hungry and sleepy all the time, I really don't want to have to walk in the wet, cold and slippery environment. AND I have 8 am classes next semester. Which is gonna suck. Yes.
BUT. There's just this thrill because it's the first time. In 19 years. I even felt it as snow landed on my face. It felt a lot just like rain because it melted before it even landed on my face. But, it was really quite exciting. :)
All the excitement really kind of took away my mood to study. But it's not like I have any other choices. It's extremely torturing to force yourself to study, especially when three cups of coffee doesn't make you any fresher than none.
I wish I get to read blogs and not physics notes. I'm always delighted when I find nice blogs to follow. And guilty - because I tend to ditch my books for a while. :P
But then, at least I think I've found something that I can at least see myself doing as a mechanical engineer. Right now, I am finding my Computer Aided Design class bearable. It gets frustrating, but at least, it is the one class that I do not loathe among all my other classes. I can sit and spend hours doing the designs and get frustrated for all I care.
At least now the path seems a little bit clearer to me. But then again, who knows.
So, I am pretty happy. It's snowing, I have a rough idea what kind of engineer I would want to become (rather than my "I DON'T WANT TO BE AN ENGINEER I DON'T CARE"). Or one that I can at least enjoy however little. My Calculus paper was not a 50, although it wasn't as good as it was supposed to be. And the weekend is near.
I'm also looking forward to NYC. I think I am going to love it. :)
There's this thing about me. I am sleepy all the time, and then I drink like 3 cups of coffee, and will still be sleepy. And I will force myself to stay awake to try to study. Then when it's time to sleep, I can't.
Why like that.
Ok brief nerd talk. I also just realised that there's no homework for the last two lectures of my Physics class. Why like that! As much as I despise the homeworks, they are the only way I can understand anything at all! I want homework! End of nerd talk.
*sigh* Nevermind. :)
The Girl
- Yuinyi
- I'm Yuinyi. Call me Joelyn if it's easier to remember but I really like Yuinyi better. 19, and just settled down in Urbana-Champaign, USA. I try to be happy most of the time, but I tend to blog more when I am unhappy. Weird, no? I love my Nikon D3000 and I'm still exploring it. Fan of artsy stuff. Don't have any idea why I am still doing engineering. Fan of Ultimate, but suck at it. Currently addicted to shopping and bubble milk tea. No one is more naive than I am. Also have a habit of laughing too much, and for too long at a time. :)
My Blog List
Roblox Speed Hack Scripts - Roblox Speed Hack Scripts This is Roblox gift card generator protection from bots, which you need to pass by answering some easy questions and inserting y...3 years ago
रिवाल्वर रानी pelicula completa transmisión en español 2014 - रिवाल्वर रानी pelicula completa en español 2014 película completa en español latino online रिवाल्वर रानी descargar castellano रिवाल्वर रानी estreno españa ...4 years ago
Kata Kata Bijak Kehidupan Untuk Masa Depan - *Kata Kata Bijak Kehidupan Untuk Masa Depan* | Welcome to the website, within this moment I'll demonstrate with regards to Kata Kata Bijak Kehidupan Untu...5 years ago
Cara Melangsingkan Badan Alami Dalam 1 Minggu - Cara Melangsingkan Badan Alami Dalam 1 Minggu Secara Alami Tanpa Menimbulkan Efek yang Fatal pada Kesehatan dan Tubuh Kalian. Dengan kamu memiliki badan ...6 years ago
[ADV] Joseristine - Anti-Pollution Whitening Mask - Joseristine is a Hong Kong-based skincare brand established since 1995 by Choi Fung Hong. Recently, Joseristine has expanded to Malaysia and is availabl...7 years ago
"Worrying about how things might go wrong, doesn’t help things to go right." - “Worrying about how things might go wrong, doesn’t help things to go right.” - *Karen Salmansohn (via deeplifequotes)*8 years ago
Love - Love, It came silently, and It strikes One however , was too intoxicated with the poison on the cupid arrow, that they forget to realize the pain that com...9 years ago
# 294 Feeling Lost - If you ask me whether I recommend doing a PhD now, most likely I will say no unless you are very sure that you like going super deep on something. Ever sin...9 years ago
EduAdvisor - For those who are SPM leavers, do check out EduAdvisor.my , which will have collection of listing of pre-U courses, like A Level, AUSMAT, SAM, Internation...10 years ago
the fault in our upbringing: a depressing parody - discussed this issue with maternal figure. related to former husband and current son. she said that the son is behaving as an irresponsible prick is becaus...10 years ago
Moving! - Dear readers, I have now moved to www.zulphotoworks.blogspot.com. That will be the new place for me to post the stories behind the pictures I take and also...11 years ago
Good advice! - Relaying some good advice I read from this blogpost: http://www.liesyoungwomenbelieve.com/index.php?id=1857 1. Strive to be completely satisfied in Jesus. ...12 years ago
Distance and Time - Lets talk about LDR. No i don't mean Light Dependent Resistor, sorry to disappoint all you engineers and electricians out there. Go read a physics or engin...13 years ago
Ironic - Life is simply ironic, doesn't it? Sometimes now matter how hard you work for it, if it's never meant to be yours..it will never be. Parents tought us that...13 years ago
Darkness - Time flew by so quickly that i almost didn't remember how much I have wasted. Things come and go. And now I've come to a point that everything almost came...13 years ago
Thanksgiving Fun - Thanksgiving break is just around the corner, and I'm sure for most of you it has already started! Excited much? =) Last year I tried to do a Thanksgiving ...14 years ago
Dumpling festival - I have never tried to make dumpling...there are many things I first tried when I came to US like making tang yuan, cooking and of course this dumplings. In...14 years ago
Suddenly.......... - Hing's blog inspired me to blog about my experience watching a breath taking sun-rise scenery back in Malaysia. I was quite surprise that I didn't blog ab...14 years ago
背对背拥抱 - 话总说不清楚该怎么明了 一字一句像圈套 旧帐总翻不完谁无理取闹 你的双手甩开刚好的微妙 然后战火再燃烧 我们背对背拥抱滥用沉默在咆哮 爱情来不及变老葬送在烽火的玩笑 我们背对背拥抱真话兜着圈子来乱绕 即使想让我知道即使想让你知道爱的警告 只是想让我知道只是想让你知道这警告 我不要一直到形同陌路变成自找 既然可...15 years ago
My 20th. =) - I know this post is like a little late. I was having so much fun i din have the time to blog. =P hee hee.. My 20th... was one day before my final exam pape...15 years ago
19th on 19th =D - Quick post(and its not even mine =D). Adapted from nick's blog. Cheers and thanks a bunch people! =D Melody’s BBQ PartyOUTINGS — BY NICHOLAS ON SEPTEMBER ...15 years ago
Outlet Shopping 101 - 1. Do not bring a debit/credit card. 2. Have something to eat before hand. No one's gonna stop and eat. 3. No heels pls. 4. Shop alone or in pairs if you're ...15 years ago
MOVED - I HAVE CHANGED MY BLOG ADDRESS TO HTTP://JOANNETRY.BLOGSPOT.COM --> click! relink and new RSS pls! Thanks :)15 years ago
I am who I am... - I'm not as genius as Acap,who gets Maryland... I'm not as handsome and attractive as Syazwi who has myriads of admirers... I'm not a guy who can make peopl...15 years ago
|Pis...on... Th... T.. Th...e Grre....| - ~Pison The Great shuts down~------blib------|||||||-----eject sequence completed-----16 years ago
I've reached a crossroad... - Yesh, yesh, I am aware I haven't been posting anything here lately... try a whole month... something I have not attempted since I started this whole thing!...16 years ago