4:00 PM

When words left me

Posted by Yuinyi |

Lately I haven't had much to say. I just want to post up pictures and random thoughts.

So I created www.joeynyi.tumblr.com .

But this blog remains, for me when I have too much to say.



Spent a lot of time crying silently last night. Working on the homework with Yik Han tutoring me and felt very clueless. I tried not to cry, because I tend to when I feel utterly stupid and useless. But I was crying and nobody saw. It was as tiring as crying out in the open. I came back feeling so worn out.

But I woke up feeling okay today. Went around looking for jobs. Felt okay until I started thinking about how broke I am now. I need a job!

I'm really hoping the allowance won't be late this time. Please?

Have to get through this week, despite the emotions and hormone imbalance. I hate hormon imbalance. It gets me all messed up. Hmph.

I'm figuring out how to be happy again. :)
