11:30 PM

Some Advices.

Posted by Yuinyi |

Today the whole set of my desktop is finally here. (Yes so I am eagerly working on my desktop right now - and I set it up myself! *proud*) And I basically had to rearrange all my stuff to make space for the desktop (how I wish I have a bigger table). And you know, I was just really in the start-of-the-semester mood.

I was tidying up my entire room, making spaces here and there (making sure my table beside the window which I hate because it is so small and cold, has space so I can study), keeping stuff in boxes, throwing away boxes and all the unnecessary stuff, then finally organizing my calendar, going through my course outlines to see what is due and what is not, and then I saw this email from my Physics lecturer as an introduction to the course this semester.

At the end of the email, he included a collection of some of the advices from the previous students of this class. And a lot of advices are the normal ones you'd expect to see, like "read the lecture notes", "go to lectures", "don't get behind", "no last minute work", stuff like that. But there were some really amusing ones that I didn't know whether to laugh at them or worry for myself.

Student Advice From Past Semesters:

Don't rely too heavily on the practice midterms.
Pay attention during lecture and read if you don't understand, this stuff will blow your mind.
Pray. (PRAY????)
Review lectures ahead of time and do the readings.
Take physics over the summer at a junior college. (???)
Memorize the formula for surface area of the sphere. (Oh wow thanks.)
Reading the book and lecture notes ahead of time is a big help.
Change majors. (wtf)
Drop it now. (@.@) But go to lecture anyway because Kwiat is a cool guy.
Read the book.
The book is pointless. (wth so contradicting!)
You should read the book before lecture, go to lecture and take notes in the lecture notes, and listen to that guy in the bow tie. (haha nicely put. I've been informed that my lecturer is really cool, and wears a bow tie to classes. XD)
(and the last one) Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, cause Kansas is going bye bye. (I don't even understand what this is supposed to mean)

Right. Now I am super ready for Physics. *faints*

8 craps:

Anonymous said...

The guy in bow tie reminds me of Bob, Survivor: Gabon :)

Yuinyi said...


Now I can be sure who this anonymous is. XD

JiHouh said...

i hv a few words too. =P
Don't just study hard. Study smart.
Study what you are suppose to and not something else.
Put more effort, or at least some.
Last min work don't really work unless u hv some super wicked brains.
Start early, be ahead of lecture.
Do some reviewing once a while over what u've learn.
Don't play all the time, and dun study all the time.
Hv some study mates, study along.
Get used to management, be it time, money, work lot, and stress.
Do some exercise.

Yuinyi said...

Wow. I saw all that from the list of advices too. LOL ok ok. I'm already doing my homework and reading up ahead of lectures! *proud*

Karthik Manamcheri said...

the last advice is from wizard of oz .. buckle up and enjoy your ride .. its' gonna be a rough one .. lol

Yuinyi said...

Owh!! Hahaha thanks Karthik!! :D

Sam said...

lolz... gr8 comments...
just wanna add ... since am not sure what course u takin,
if its 211, 212 or 213, understand concepts properly, if u dont learn to use the formula sheet from the PRO's.
for 214, try wateva u can n leave the rest to god !!

Yuinyi said...

LOL omg 214 sounds really tough now. So I must PRAY. >.<
