8:35 PM


Posted by Yuinyi |

Today I moved some furnitures I inherited (lol) from some seniors who lives several blocks down the road from my new apartment, to my new apartment. Who would have thought one standing lamp and two boxes were that hard to carry down 4 blocks. But then again, I wasn't the one carrying a a bookshelf and a TV shelf. And nope, the stupidly crazy weather did not help. I swear I got sunburnt by just walking out around campus today.

It reminds me of what Alfred from The Dark Knight said, "Some people just want to watch the world burn." or something along that line. There's no relation. I just like the way he said it. :P

My chest hurts now. And I feel really tired. How to study you tell me. How.

And I have postponed my trip to Michigan. So I've decided to spend that one extra week I'm going to be here to be artistic. I can't wait to move in to the new house and start decorating my room!

I really want the string lights like this.

Isn't it the prettiest thing ever? YES IT IS!
And I am planning to (if I am not too lazy) to try to do some wall decals on my own, because buying it is just so expensive!

I can't wait! :D

Still trying to figure out how to get my Domo army on the walls, since I can't paint the walls.

"Officially" moving tomorrow.

By the way, I don't think I have officially introduced my second blog yet. It's called Cooking is Great! (lol) and it's just a bunch of us Malaysian students who love cooking and crave for Malaysian food and out of random decided to have a blog together yay. (yea who knows can be famous one day as food bloggers and earn money weeee~) Go visit for some yummylicious photos and recipes! :)

Kthxbye. :)

2 craps:

Liz said...

the lights are pretty! =D

Yuinyi said...

I knooowww! I'm so gonna get it! :D
