2:14 PM


Posted by Yuinyi |

No strings attached.

I never believed in that. Some might say that life is always moving forward, and prefer to have as few strings attached as possible. When you get too attached to some people, it is always harder to move on when it's time for it. Emotions can be a bitch. Very troublesome. And distracting.

But. I never believed in having no strings attached. My dad once asked me, "Tell me, where do you find happiness?" Thinking that he loves sleeping moments the best, I answered stupidly, "When you are sleeping?" >.< He told me that happiness is found within the people around you. Family. Friends. It was probably one of the things I agree with him about the most.

Because I am someone who just gets too attached to people, I always find happiness whenever I am surrounded by people I love and care. The thought of being alone just scares me. Over the two years in Intec, I've seen how terribly weak I can become when I feel alone. It was horrible. I believe that at every point of our lives, we (at least I think most people) get attached to someone or something. What is the point of it if you are doing something or going somewhere on your own? Where is the happiness in it then?

I don't want to have no strings attached. Yes it is always harder for me when I have to leave somewhere or someone or something. But it makes me appreciate everything around me even more. Getting too attached is probably one of my weaknesses for it has turned me into a helplessly emotional girl, but now I see it as also one of my strengths. At least I know that I am able to get attached, love, appreciate, and truly care. I know that at every point of my life, I loved.

Perhaps I am biased, but when people tell me that they prefer to have no strings attached, I just don't really believe them. XD

Don't you think being able to love and care for the people around you, is just simply wonderful? Maybe that's why I've always been easy and I try not to hate. Some of my friends tell me that I am just too easy to be taken advantage of. But I've always chose to believe in the best in people. Maybe because I've never come across filthy cheating liars and pretentious backstabbing bitches (like in those movies), I never really thought anyone can be that bad. I am that naive. And cheatable. Sigh.

So I was getting emotional when I recalled someone who said about having no strings attached sometime ago. Because it hurt me at that point of my life. And I am just starting to get very attached to my family right now. And also really missing some Intec friends. The huge gang, as I prefer to address them as. Still disappointed with how little fun we really had during the last outing (which turned out pretty badly). The thought of leaving in less than three weeks is making me emotional. For I will probably be a changed person when I come back the next time.

It's going to be a pretty busy three weeks. Trying to meet up with as many friends as possible. Funny how I really want to meet some friends that I wasn't so close to before. I felt that I just need to meet them before I fly. To catch up.

Sigh. Who would have guessed I'd get so emotional about leaving to US?

4 craps:

Liz said...

we all will emotionally attach strings, consciously or not. the people who stop attaching strings... or try not to, are those who feel that they've been hurt so much by the attachment it's not worth it.

different people have different perspectives in life, but you know, to love everyone is a good thing =)


Yuinyi said...

Hmm. Din cross my mind to think of it that way. XD Geez, told you I'm biased. Hahaha

*hugs back*


SimpleSanddy said...

Hmm... I agree wif u dat sometimes having strings attached is stg good. It make us appreciate de ppl around us when v r going to another place. All of us have strings attached to us regardless of do we want it or not. I think ppl who avoid attaching strings are afraid dat dey might get hurt during departure. But seperation is inevitable in life wat? Lolz...

I believe dat v come is dis world alone and v will leave alone one day wen v r old. But in de process of living, isn't it de more strings we attached, de better? Furthermore, we can even choose which string we want to attached and which strings we want to let go. Appreciate everyone dat is worth being appreciated.

Wish u happy always. *hugs*

Yuinyi said...

Yeah, sometimes I feel that those who refuse those strings are just living in denial. Lol I hope I'm not going to offend anyone. >.< Just a stupid thought. XD

Wish you happy always too Sanddy! I know you will be, giving the optimism in you. :) Will miss you! Didn't get to properly chat with you that day. Sigh.

Sayonara roommate!! See ya in the States!!
