1:45 PM


Posted by Yuinyi |

... is what I'm reading right now. And feeling completely lame about myself for doing that. That's how bored I can get these days. Apart from getting my visa, medical checkup, and all the preparations needed done, I am practically rotting at home now. Which explains why I've been so silent in my blog these days. Note: I've been flipping through Facebook, Twitter, Plurk, and my blog without really doing anything, for the past hour. Repeatedly switching webpages. =.=

Sitting around in front of the laptop the entire day isn't doing me any good. I would very much like to destroy all the weighing machines in the world because I came back from my medical checkup two days ago realising how fat I am already. Okay don't ask. >.<

Also, I've decided to activate my Twitter account due to such extreme boredom. I've really restrained myself from using it because of the annoyance I felt whenever my facebook homepage is flooded with twitter updates from some of my friends. What to do? Now I just have an extra page to look at everytime I turn on my laptop. Hah. Come follow me.

Oh, I just got my US Visa done today. Great! *jumps happily* Now I just need to get my immunizations done - *wails* FOUR jabs? - Have I ever mention that I hate needles? Although I usually just go through the whole injecting-needle-into-me process fine, I still tend to look away and close my eyes as tightly as I can.

Four jabs will probably require a needle of that size if combined. >.<

Michael Jackson's memorial service last night was awesome. Loved the very emotional performance by Usher. And that song by Lionel Richie. AND the last two songs - We Are The World, and Heal The World. I was never really a huge fan, but I almost cried when Paris (MJ's daughter) spoke. Just imagine the scene. Have to say he has really affected so many people around the world.

I was watching it from CNN.com and 8TV simultaneously. XD CNN was a bit slow though, but it feels like watching it with LOTS of MJ's fans. XD

And for that, I went to the Embassy this morning with panda eyes. =P

This one actually looks like Pan Pan on my Superpoke! Petz on Facebook. And what's so nice about Restaurant City anyway? Why is everyone so addicted to it? Tak paham.
Transformers still feels good to me after watching it for the second time. And I also still feel that it was a bit too draggy. Watched it with Dad and two sisters. Glad they didn't fall asleep. XD

You know, I'm just really looking forward to the 23rd of July for the JPA's briefing. I so need to hang out with them guys. We're totally going to have a blast! I can't help missing everyone!
P/S: Oh by the way, HI WAYEYOUNG *waves at chatbox* I saw those pictures of you at IntiBall. Looking good, and damn I miss hanging out with the bitches and you!! :D

6 craps:

Liz said...


but the last two songs on the memorial was not nicely done. i mean, i love the two songs, but somehow i feel there was simply not enough emotion to it... i usually go *shivers* when i hear heal the world... but yesterday...

like no feeling at all. sighs.

Yuinyi said...

Is it?? I felt the *shivers* wor. XD

Usher's performance was really quite emotional though. I heard it on the radio again, made me wanna cry. =.=

Anonymous said...

HI *waves profusely* XD
Thank you thank you :D

Yuinyi said...

*waves back*

Lol welcome welcome. Huahuahuahuah

cherylyn said...

i got emotional when Lionel Richie performed. and do you agree with me that mariah carey's performance was terrible? she didn't manage the high note well. tak sampai. hehe

Yuinyi said...

Yes yes, she sounded hoarse really. Macam sorethroat ke apa. Lol
