2:31 PM

Cookies and Cream :D

Posted by Yuinyi |

Baking attempt 2 - succeeded!

I'm happy. The first time I tried to bake those soft big cookies (you know the ones you can find in Subways and everywhere in the US), it failed miserably. I am wondering if it is the oven. *pouts* That was a lot of delicious dough wasted there. So I decided to try on an easier one, chocolate chip cookies that are actually not soft. I've done some back in Malaysia, so I thought this should be easier than the soft ones. I even went to another friend's house to bake just in case my oven is faulty. It took me a few tries to get it right, but I succeeded! :D

Baking is not easy. The whole mixing and blending part was easy, the hardest part was actually timing and adjusting the temperature. And trying not to get it burnt. >.<

You see, that's why I like cooking. I can do it any way I want. I usually don't even need a recipe. :D


Finals are in a MONTH. Did not realize how fast time passed at all. Wtf. And my hour exam 2 is this coming Wednesday. I really need to get it going and do better. Right now, I am going to need to focus, and then when all is over, I'm a happy girl! And I get to visit the boyfriend again! We just had a really sudden planning and I bought the tickets right away. :D

By the way. WHAT is with Paul the Octopus? And Mani the Parakeet? World Cup and the animals prediction. What. The. Hell. As interesting as it is with all the World Cup side entertainment nowadays, it's a bit wtf-ing also right. Malaysia should produce a prediction with orang utan maybe. XD

Final game tomorrow! Woo!

2 craps:

pinggan said...

send some over to cali? =p

Yuinyi said...

LOL masuk angin edi, cause didn't put in air tight container early enough. :(

Wait for baking attempt 3!! XD
