10:13 PM

Make Me Wanna Die

Posted by Yuinyi |

Sometimes, (most of the times) when I wake up after a long nap, and it's dinner time, I sit down and stare at the computer screen for a long time deciding what I should cook for myself. I usually end up starving myself trying to decide. It's 10 pm now and I haven't exactly decided what to have for dinner yet.

Also I'm still pouting for being scolded (or at least that's how it feels like) for something stupid. Or for doing something stupid. Well the point is, people don't usually get upset about this stupid thing, and usually it's more of a joke to anyone I know, it kinda caught me off guard when I felt like I was being scolded for it today. So why am I pouting, I don't know. Probably because it just doesn't feel good. Sucks. It's just like how you attempted a joke that made people laugh most of the time, and then one day you get reprimanded for even attempting that silly joke.

And I am finally going for my next movie marathon tomorrow. Because I feel sucky right now and I really wanna go catch those movies. I've been hearing all these talk about Inception and how good it is. My boyfriend says I probably wouldn't understand the movie anyway (=.= meanie) but I really still need to watch it. I will give a shot at understanding it. It's a marathon tomorrow because I am also going to watch The Sorcerer's Apprentice and Salt, which I have been waiting for a long long time. Angelina Jolie kicks ass.

So I was chatting with a friend. He somehow ALWAYS misspells the word "Melaka".

Him : Melacca no pokemon one ar?
Him: Eh isn't the malay word for angel something close to that?
Me: It's NOT. It's malaikat. Wtf.

Yes we tend to type in caps to indicate shouting. And we do that a lot. Malacca has pokemon by the way.

Oh. Check out Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless here.

3 craps:

Cedric ZH said...


Liz said...

meh. people said dark night is fantastic -> i fell asleep halfway through it. i think i will fall asleep through inception too (well they are from the same director) but since you liked dark knight, i'm gonna bet you'll get this movie and love it too. go go yuinyi~! ^^

Yuinyi said...

Hahah oh yea I LOVE Dark Knight. :D Inception was good, but I was sleepy too. Then again, I was sleepy through all three movies. :) BUT I predicted the ending of the movie! ^^
