4:01 AM

Too little time!

Posted by Yuinyi |

My dear brother, instead of showing me some support for me brand new blog, accused me of plagarism. What the heck. Since when did i plagarise? I have a nicer header than yours. I have a chatbox, you don't. Whatever. I know you just want to argue with me for the sake of it. XD

Anyway me going back to Cemara tomorrow! *wails* This means the finals is getting nearer! *grumbles* I couldn't even enjoy my holidays properly. One week is just not sufficient. So much to do, so little time. Campaign, book review, math, journal, language awareness.. Give me more time to relax! I need to catch up with my friends, Bleach, One Litre of Tears and so much more!
Going back to Cemara will also mean slow connection. It always gets me all frustrated. Sometimes couldn't even go online. *sigh*
See what i said about me complaining a lot?

Anyway, i was hanging out with dear Shirleen the other day and i came accross this shop called Klan. It has always been one of my favourite shops and they have really wonderful graffities. You know how much i love graffities!
See *points down*, it's very cool. I love this one very much!

I guess it's still Raya, so it's not late for me to wish everyone, "Selamat Hari Raya!"

3 craps:

Anonymous said...

support?ooh.. yea!yea!! my sis has a blog!! woo hoo!! keep it up!! =)

Anonymous said...

support?ooh.. yea!yea!! my sis has a blog!! woo hoo!! keep it up!! =)

Yuinyi said...

