3:16 AM

Finals Fever

Posted by Yuinyi |

Ahah! Here comes my urge to blog again, in the midst of all the studying studying studying. To be frank, I really don't have much time to sit down, rest and relax. I have been trying to stuff as much information as I could into that tiny pea-sized brain of mine.

And of course, my mind would occasionally stray off to something else such as Pimp fighting on Facebook and blogging. I'm currently sort of addicted to pimp fighting, although I can only pimp fight two person - my co-whore and my pimp. =P It's fun to be able to fight my pimp (Okay his name is Soon Yi a.k.a Ethan) and watch him lose. LOL. Releasing stress mah. Too bad my co-whore is gaining more power than I am so I am freaking losing to her, unless I fight more. =P Don't I sound bimobtic?
By the way, this is suppose to be a really touch-and-go post, since as I've mentioned, I really lack of precious time to waste (I'm totally wasting time I know).

I've been studying Ethics for the past two days, reading reading reading, memorising memorising memorising. What I don't understand is, WHY on earth, do people like Aristotle, Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche and the list goes on and on (it is never ending), waste so much precious time of their lifetimes plus their seemingly huge brain capacities to think and try to come up with the best and ideal ethical theories? I mean, HELLO? You people got too much time to waste is it??? Nothing else to do ah? Go fishing lah!


And then they make us study all these. Isn't it sufficient if they just teach us how to be good people, and be kind and helpful and loyal and honest, like what we learnt in Pendidikan Moral in high school? If they teach all that, I understand lah. Why must have the IDEAL ethical theory? Jadi orang baik sudahlahhh...

I'm going to explode soon. Ethics Finals tomorrow. *nodsnods*

It's all going to end on Thursday! Yay, then I can go catch some movies in the cinema. =P

In the meantime :
1. Being a nerd until Thursday. Really truly nerd. Specs, tied up hair, books and coffee and books. ( I don't even bother putting on my contact lenses nowadays )
2. Coffee makes me sick. Yet I take them everyday. Ugh.
3. I look horrible. Totally fugly. But what the heck, it's exams week.
4. Lacking of sleep, which brings us back to the third point. *points up*
5. Homesick. Really homesick.
6. Jealous cause my sister AND my brother got a new phone. Hey HE just changed it last year when I bought mine!! Not fair. Not fair.

Okay, so long. Pray I don't die before it all ends. =P And I won't be blogging till finals ends. Promise. *grins*

16 craps:

tachimurakiyuri said...

I like CTU, believe it or not....

(of cuz if CTU is not in the final exam)

It's quite fun(=.-) to think about utilitarianism,egoism,existenialism and think which one is the best one

Sounds weird, ehhhh

But OMG !!!! test and I still comment...X.X

Yuinyi said...

It would be fun for LIGHT reading? XD

joanne said...

hey.. u remind me of last time how i get through the ethics..

Miss ur pimp? he's now here struggling for finals too~~

Pison The Great said...

Same... If they dun assess u thru final exam, but thru discussions and folio, it cud hav been more fun...

*As if PPI 203 is more interesting...*

Yuinyi said...

Hey Joanne.. nice of you to drop by. =P Yes yes, missing my pimp who hasn't paid me for so long. XD

Yuinyi said...

Exactly, Pison. Let's mogok!! =P

Anyway all the best for you finals lo. =) Altho it may be too late, since you're probably sitting for it now. LOL

bruce@shark said...

Sigh. The co whore also misses the pimp. =p

And the whole bunch of wacky seniors who flew to Michigan.



tachimurakiyuri said...

Let Us Have a mass breakout in INTEC!!!!!




Ntg... I juz crapping, I'm so tensed. Having TENSILE STRESS and SHEAR STRESS....

Besides that, i still need JPA money, cuz my laptop screen spoilt.....

WHY I GET such a stupid com brand...( though it is free anyway)

Yuinyi said...

Okay people...!! CHILLLLLLLLL....

Pison The Great said...

Yuinyi, it is all your fault.

Yuinyi said...

What fault???

syafiq.cberry said...

we share the tense girl!

suddenly wednesday seems so far away, right?

Yuinyi said...

Yes, and at least yours is just Wednesday.. I have to survive until THURSDAYYYYYY!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Vinho, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://vinho-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.

syafiq.cberry said...

is dat a spam??

haha i've ald finished all exam =P

well, not all..
finishing my research paper now!

Yuinyi said...

Uh huh, I think it is. XD Kinda stupid, really.

Oh gosh, ONE more to go!!!!
