1:43 AM


Posted by Yuinyi |

I find it hard to admit to some things - a lot of things actually.

But people always say, you can lie to the whole world, but you can't lie to yourself. Oh well. I didn't even want to admit when my friend told me sadly that some of the clothes we bought for CNY are impractical. *smacks self* Now I think I don't have enough tops.

And now it's mid December and my essay writing is hardly progressing the way it should. I just have this ability to keep procrastinating and not think about the deadline. And then I panic. Like now. And when I panic, my mind goes blank. No not blank, it gets so jumbled up that there's no space for blank. =.= Okay what the heck am I talking about. I'm in the state of denial.

I seem to have a lot more other things - pending - on my mind, it's driving me crazy.

But who can blame me, TV IS SO ADDICTIVE when you have Singapore Channel 5 and Channel 8!!

AND I have a plan for Christmas!! I am really hoping it works out! =P

Did I mention I finally went to the Eye on Malaysia? And yes, it is in Melaka. LOL


Then I realised, for the fifteen hundredth time, I am afraid of height. Somehow. =.= Yes I freaked out a lil on the first round because the wheel paused when we were on the highest level. XD

From there I can actually see the tiny Eye on Melaka and I can't help lol-ing. It looks so cute.

I don't know what made me do it, probably just because I wanted to see Melaka from up there, or because my friend asked me to accompany her. It cost me 10 bucks by the way.

Just so I feel good.

Tell me I look nice. =P

And I love my hair in this one. I don't even use conditioner LOL!!!

4 craps:

maggiesedapgiler said...

ok ok.u look nice.=)

Yuinyi said...

Hahaha thank you!!! =P

Pison The Great said...

i was about to say it when you mentioned it at the last line. hikhik...

I really like your hair! *screams like when bob won the Sole Survivor* :P

Yuinyi said...

Highfive, me too like!!! It looks so silky and straight right?! XD XD
