11:52 PM

Here comes PMS

Posted by Yuinyi |

My mood has been fluctuating. This is bad.

With Keng leaving, cold weather, weight gaining, wallet getting lighter, and most of all, people annoying me. I mean, seriously, I don't know where all my tolerance for people went. I used to have so much tolerance. So much so that I always get taken for granted. I still get taken for granted. I just seem to feel a lot more upset over little stupid things.

Like how I don't see myself graduating.

Like how I am behind the Calculus schedule for a week and am struggling to catch up or I won't understand a thing in class.

Like how Statics lectures don't make sense to me.

Like how I couldn't sleep last night because someone ( I don't know who, sorry whoever ) decided to have breakfast at 4.30 a.m. and made a hell lot of noise in the kitchen. And I was trying to sleep.

Like how I don't like wet bathroom floors.

I should seriously get a grip.

I am in between happy and upset. And I'm straying towards upset.

You know what, forgot all that I said. I am just confused about how I am feeling right now. I don't know if I am happy or upset. And it's making me so tired trying to figure out how I am supposed to feel.

I don't want anything now. I just want someone to cheer me up. Whichever way.

It sucks not to have anyone to tell to. I have expectations. I deserve to have expectations! Why do I have to go through this shit all over again? Seriously!

4 craps:

SimpleSanddy said...

Cheer up dear. I'm missing the times we had in Malaysia. Really took so many things for granted. Good friends, good times... We dun even need to think of how 2 get along wif ppl. Try nt to burst at home. I was about to explode when I find out that the stupid taxi driver from the bus station to Indianapolis air port cheated us. Stupid lah!!! Urgh!!! Mb it's time 2 b a lil more realistic 2wards ppl who do not deserve our kindness!!!

Good luck gal. Smile a bit. U hav a beautful smile remember? Haha!!!

Liz said...


i'll ask you out to the swing, except you're too far away. and mamak. and midnight frisbee whoooooosssshhh XD

msn me if you want to talk to someone k? i can't do anything bout ur housemates, but i'll be happy to listen.

take care yuinyi~ and i agree with sanddy, i hope you find your dazzling smile again =)

Yuinyi said...

Sanddy: Thank you Sanddy. Miss the times when we cried together. Sigh. I don't know exactly why I am sad, so how to cheer up? Cheated you guys? How??? Oh and my smile ain't beautiful anymore. I am FAT! >.<

Liz: Thank you, but I probably won't know what to say even if we're near enough to go swing. Its more like I am sad because I am finding it so tired because I am happy yet there's something sad at the back of my head and I just keep pushing it in. Weird. I dunno what am I talking about. =.= I dunno why am I sad.

KeL-V-En said...

*pats head*
call me if u wana talk since its either my internet sucking or urs.. =P
