1:05 AM


Posted by Yuinyi |

I feel like I'm currently living in two different realities. It's really hard to explain, and I just cannot do it here. But as I cleared my mind (after the previous extremely emo emo post sorry about that), and as I was walking to class one day, I just decided that I had to either choose between the two realities, or to just find a way to merge them. The latter seemed pretty impossible, but it would be what I'd prefer.

Kelvian, I just had to do this and I was hoping you'd understand. Maybe I just wanted to see for myself. I don't know. I don't know what I want to know. But you know, it's like I would know how to go about it after this. Maybe I won't but who knows. I was chatting with a friend, and he was right. It's something I need to do. Just that. (shit I am starting to get confused with what I wanted to say) And I am very stubborn. :)

Thank you everyone who spoke to me. Or even chatted with me about unrelated stuff. I just felt that everyone made my day just by communicating with me. :)

I just discovered my weekly routine.

Mondays - Frisbee. Rushing for Calculus homework, which usually drags all the way into the wee hours of the night, or morning.

Tuesdays - relieved after handing in homework. SLEEP. Lepak all night. Or if I am motivated enough, some studying.

Wednesdays - in the lab for hours for my mechincal design assignments. Classes end at 5. Staying up for Calculus quiz the next day

Thursdays - SLEEP. Dinner at home. :) Stay up again to do Statics homework due Fridays.

Fridays - Happy most of the time. Hang out with my favourite bunch of people. :)
Saturdays - Hang out
Sundays - Hang out. Calculus homework.

That routine is going to change in another week's time. Because my Physics classes would start like next week. Sigh.

Despite my quiz tomorrow, I went for ice-skating today! It was such a random and spontaneous decision, just because Keng and ZuYet(which is not how his real name is spelled but that's just how we call him) had nothing to do and asked us. For the first time ever, I did not have a single fall! *proud* We then head off for bubble tea which made me very happy. Bubble tea is the best creation ever. :) Ok I know Michigan has one of the best bubble tea (even Keng said so sigh) but I'm happy with my Evo bubble tea now okay. But you people from Michigan better bring me some bubble tea soon!

It's so much fun, and it's really sad to think that both of them are gonna leave and head back to Malaysia soon. No one to gossip with me anymore lah. No one to play frisbee with me anymore lah. :(

This is the dresser that Keng so kindly came all the way to my apartment and helped me assemble. :)

I'm currently still deciding upon which minor I should take. Math minor would be easy since i'm doing engineering. But it wouldn't be what I'm interested in. I wanted to do something totally different. Which would be tough. Hmm. I wanna take up some photojournalism courses. Random. Totally.

Anyway I feel that my room is not colourful enough. It is in serious need of some bright and happy colours. Like, pink. Or orange. Or red.

And new word learnt today. Mandrill means baboon. Like, I'm such a mandrill. :P

4 craps:

Anonymous said...

Good luck ~~~~

Yuinyi said...


Liz said...

lol. jian wei said bloomington's bubble tea makes michigan's bubble tea taste like shit wor..

bila mau come bloomington drink bubble tea? =p

Yuinyi said...

SOON, but i dunno when. XD If I go there you must belanja me wor!
