1:51 PM

Happy To See The Sun. :)

Posted by Yuinyi |

Today I woke up with the sun shining through my bedroom window. It has been raining and gloomy for the entire week. It's good to have the sun back again. :D

Yesterday I had the worst Calculus class ever. Calculus has generally been easy over here, compared to when I did Calculus 1 and 2 back in Intec. I would say that among all my classes, I am doing best in Calculus. And yet, I completely screwed my third mid-term paper (I really don't know why there's THREE midterms - it's not even MID term anymore =.=) although it was easy as shit. I mean REALLY easy. Was it over-confidence or what. But I studied for it the entire night! I guess it was over confidence. Or lack of sleep. I don't know which, but I failed to see so many things when I did the paper. You can almost call me blind. Anyway we had our usual discussion session the day after and usually we would get our papers back by then. Somehow the papers were not graded yet and instead, our TA just went through the questions with us. I swear EVERYONE in the class said it was too easy while I was sulking away. I didn't know why I stayed on in the class, I could have just left and saved myself from all the agony. The only thought that came to me was, "Everyone is going to get a 100 and I am going to get a 50. Great."

How can anyone screw such an easy paper?

So the class ended with me convinced that I would only get a 50.

But I had to get over it. It was just one paper. (wtf) I made a promise to myself that I am going to do tremendously good in the final paper. Haha. Right.

Anyway, in the attempt to make myself happier, I had lunch at Potbelly, which has amaaaazziinngg sandwiches. And some guy playing his guitar and singing. If it's near where I am staying, I'd go there everyday. That's going to happen next year. :D

I came back and slept and slept. The thing about sleeping is, the moment you wake up, you can't really remember what made you so sad but it sinks in slowly after that. At least for me. Sometimes. =.="

And what's with guys and empty promises? Why would someone say he's going to do something and then ALWAYS forgets it after that? I'm getting so used to it that I'm always telling myself, oh he's going to forget. He's going to forget. He's going to forget.


So. Food is always good. With guitars and music. We can always work out after the food. Oh and the hot tub. :)

So I woke up late today and there's the sun. I walked out to the balcony barefooted to see the sun. My feet was cold, but it felt good to have the sun in your face. Especially after such gloomy week. It's still chilly but it's sunny. Sunny is good.

It's going to be a good break. With me working on reports, my ME design project, studying, and spending time in Chicago. And of course, sleep. :)

2 craps:

Liz said...

same with me. i walked into physics and i blanked out on questions i used to know how to do.


good luck yuinyi. i'm glad the sun is shining on you~~

Yuinyi said...

Sigh. Haha thanks, good luck to you too! :) Can't wait to see you guys!!
