I wish I have a nice comfortable couch for me to slump in while blogging over here. But maybe not. It's 3.03 a.m. and I am supposed to be studying. Nice comfortable couches will just make me fall asleep.

It has been pretty hectic ever since Physics started. I have to try so hard to make sure I am keeping up with the Physics syllabus which is something really tough for me to do. And I also have to make sure I finish my Physics homework AND Calculus homework in time, which are both due every Tuesday (which I am very sure I have already mentioned gosh I am such nerd) of the week.

I seriously have no idea WHY am I blogging about my studies. I'm mainly blogging to keep my mind of things for a while.

Please don't have the impression that I am not happy. I am very happy with my life here. I just have some unresolved issues. And the studies.

OKAY now I am not happy.

I tried putting up the photos for Halloween because I told Shine I would. I am now very disappointed with blogger. I don't know why but arranging the pictures is so difficult! I cannot arrange it properly and it's taking me such a freaking long time I might as well just go to sleep.

THAT just completely ruined my already not good mood. And you want to know why?? I feel ignored okay and I have no IDEA what the problem is. I'm asking for help, and I am being ignored. Thank you so much. Pfftt.

I am just going to bed before I start swearing in my blog.

4 craps:

Shine said...

Please don't feel obligated to post pictures :3 I don't have a Facebook account, so I just thought it would be sweet if I can just view them here.

Yuinyi said...

Lol naahh, I wanted to post up some pictures myself. @.@

Anonymous said...


yeah blogger is a pain in the you-know-where sometimes lol.

Yuinyi said...

Thanks Anon, why won't you identify yourself? :)
