6:15 AM

Don't bully me..

Posted by Yuinyi |

I'm currently in the state of depression.


Everyone bullies me.

Mei Yueh (THE MAIN CULPRIT) bullies me.
Siok Shen bullies me.
Manford bullies me.
Sanddy bullies me.
Hafidz also bullies me.

I want my pimp!!

Mei Yueh : I think he'll join the fun in bullying you too. *laughs her ass off*

I want Joshua then!! He won't bully me one!!!!

Mei Yueh : True true. *laughs her ass off* Joshua everytime kena bully by Soon Yi one.

Joshua, I'm going to find you in Michigan!!!! (like I can)

Only my Cotton is good to me. Oh yes, I named him Cotton. XD

Okay lah, Manford promised me ice-cream. Not that bad. But he still bullies me along with Mei Yueh, every single day. X(

See? That's why I am depressed.

6 craps:

bruce@shark said...

Fine. I admit. I'm not gonna be a big fat hypocrite. =p I'm the starter of the whole bullying thing. Today I so quiet then the bully seems... so lame. =p Sorry lor... your ice cream will be on the way, haha.. and movies too. XP

P.S. One day your so gonna miss my bullying when I decide not to crap anymore. =p

Yuinyi said...

Hahah yeala quiet quiet also got bully what. XD I want haegen daz or at least baskin okay? =P Fine, I won't be so greedy la. One small tiny cup enough lor. Hahaha I doubt you'll stop crapping la.

Shen said...

wei...i where got bully you? i tease u only..bully and tease are two different things.....go and look up in oxford dictionary...

Yuinyi said...

teasing can turn into bully ma. tease too much becum bully la. see, even mei yueh is honest and admits she bullies me. this ah siok, mati mati wanna defend herself. haha =P

bruce@shark said...

Haha... come to think about it.. we need some calculus here (obsession =p) When the limit of teasing approaches 0, Yuin Yi will be depressed. She will start complaining.. 'why the felle never bully me one?', just like she did last thursday.

To avoid this problem, I'll continue with my teasings.

Bluek =p

Yuinyi said...


No comments. That's different. XD
