Doesn't this seem familiar?
My favourite book of the year. ^_^ Calculus. Yea right, Favourite. Who'd believe that? This book drives me crazy. It actually succeeded in getting me off blogging for some time.
It's just the first quiz and I was already having headaches, pulling my hair, scratching my head till it bled and having heart attacks. I spent so much time doing practices.
At least it turned out quite fine. I just hope I didn't do any silly stupid dumb bimbo mistake.
I don't know how it'll be like for the rest of the year. I'll probably land myself in Tanjung Rambutan before the Summer Semester. And this is just Calculus. I haven't even mention the amount of work we have for the other subjects. X( How am I going to balance my time, you tell me.
For some reason, I am just very very stressed out because of calculus. Ever since I had the book in my hands, all I think about day and night is Calculus Calculus Calculus. It's driving me nuts. I just don't want to do badly in it. And I know my Math isn't that good.
Okay enough being negative. Don't you just hate it when I feel stressed out and emo? I turn into a long-faced, messy, dreadful monster. XD
I think I forgot to mention I'm back in Melaka. It's just the first week, I know. I just had to come back and deal with some things. For example, my birthday party preparations! XD And of course for the CNY. I hate doing all these sometimes. SOMETIMES.
A few people just rejected my invitation. How depressing. That's what happens when things just have to turn against you. Last minute events just have to pop up exactly on that precise date. Is it in Murphy's Law?
And my birthday happens to fall on a holiday in the middle of the week which means I can't go home on my 18th birthday because it is in the middle of the week.
Whoops. Was I getting into the negative atmosphere again? XD
Let's see some pics.
We went to One U on Thurday. Look at the poser. Macha trying to act Macho.
He looked so cheeky, eh?
We had Kenny Rogers for lunch.
And we were really happy and laughing. XD Silly jokes, really.
I was actually pointing at Doralin.
I was teased and bullied the whole day. In fact I get teased and bullied everyday. Fine, the cat, the Doralin, the tiger, the roaring, the mangkuk which turns into mangkuk jamban, whatever. Go ahead and tease me more. Good karma. Wakakaka.
It got gloomy. It rained. And we ran under the rain. *sneeze*
Safe and sound in the bus. Yay.
That's the day before my Calculus quiz. I was really naughty. Smack me! XD
4 craps:
been there, done that. i mean calculus. All the best!
Haha this is unexpected. Thanks kor! Calculus is seriously driving me nuts. Totally. X(
Being bullied? I think one of my hobbies is bullying u! Kekeke...
Hafidz.. wait till i kill you. XD Don't be so mean to me!!
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