2:49 PM

Roller Coaster

Posted by Yuinyi |

I cannot help but feel guilty. Yet grateful, in a way.

What an enormous emotional roller coaster - silly as it was. It shouldn't even have occurred in the first place. It was in a way, my own silliness, my own paranoia. Silly for me to be crying so much. *smacks self repeatedly* I used to think I was stronger.

This emotional roller coaster - whatever caused it, whoever's fault it is (I'd say neither, or both) - made me see things. I was actually surprise at the number of friends who came to me, though most of them don't know what happened.

Liz, you were great for being so willing to accompany me all the time (God knows how much studying time I have taken away from you T.T), making sure I don't cry, trying to coax me into having protein in my meals and everything else. I feel so bad for being the very bright lamp post shining on you and CJ all the time. XD Thanks so much!

Kelvian, I can't thank you enough for being there for me (though not physically) all the time as well. You'll always be online for me to kacau and to cheer me up. XD As always, my favourite bitch! =) I hope things turn out the best they can for you! Oh please wear the shirt for me to see! ^_^ Really glad I went to KBU pickups and got to know you there. *hugs*

Then to my roommate, Sanddy, you were extremely extremely helpful. You just have this fantastic ability to soothe me, I don't know how you do it. And you do it in a really unbiased way. You always told me to think of the best. Thank you for being the wonderfullest, most understanding roommate ever. Sometimes I feel like I am such a terrible roommate cause you're so good at consoling me and I just can't do it as good as you can. *hugs* You should go be a counsellor. XD

Foong Yi, we've been classmates since Day 1, yet we never really got to know each other or got too close. But you were there for me when I had no one with me. You're wonderfully understanding, sweet and caring, and thanks for the tissue papers. =P Oh and you are so cute when you start scolding people, "Eat shit!" XD

To all others who came to me:

Li Xuan - for your shoulder and words of encouragement. And for temaning me lampposting sometimes. XD

CJ - for helping me in every way you could, and for making Liz happy. =) I still think the envelope belongs to you. =P

JK, Pui Yin, Alicia and gang, Mike - thanks for being concerned. Kia Tzun, I'll be keeping your words in mind and try very hard to be like you. XD

CK - thanks for being totally unbiased and helping us. =)

To anyone else who came to me but I missed out, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Sometimes it's so beautiful to know that so many people actually cared.

Lastly, to you. I think we both became paranoid in a way. I think we both didn't have a pleasant time. Whatever it is, I'm glad we're fine now. I'm not looking forward to anymore emotional roller coaster. XD (NOW, I really think communication is very important) I don't know what will happen in the future. Let's just get back onto track. =)

I think most people have labeled me stupid and stubborn by now, but I want to believe in our friendship.
Well. I think I'm an emotional wretch who cries too much.


I've been trying to figure out how to write this for two days. You see, the thing is, I'm really glad things are fine now. I still don't know what to think - too many sudden changes - but I think it's best if I don't think too much. I'll just be glad. And relieved.

But I can't help but feel bad. Two of my best friends are hating each other and no, don't tell me it's not because of me. If none of this ever happened, you two will probably still be fine with each other. T.T

I cannot pretend not to care when my two best friends are clawing at each other. Sigh. And it is all because of what happened / my own insecurity. Things became better for me but I've ruined things for other people.

I just want you two to know that I am very grateful to have you guys. Just saddened that things turned out this way because of me.

What an emotional roller coaster ride.

4 craps:

SimpleSanddy said...

Hahaha... waa waa waa... no need so kua jiang me till like dis. I'll feel vy vy extremely honoured one lor... XO XO XO. First time ppl praise me like dis... Hahaha...

Hmm... u r my roomie mah, hav 2 b there 4 u. I understand ur situation. If I were u, I'll wish n hope dat someone will share some suggestions, and give motivations, opinion, care, love with me too. We all need each other, mb one day I'll ask help from u. Lolz... Make sure u b there for me lor... XD

Hmm... wish u'll b happy always. U deserve much more happiness. ^^ Smile more k, I miss ur signiture unstoppable laughter. Kekekeke...

Yuinyi said...

Hahaha!! My signature unstoppable laughter! XD XD I'll definitely be there for you when you need me! =) That's what roommates are for! I'm so glad to have you as one. ^_^ Thankss!!

Pison The Great said...



I would like to make a confession:

I'm really really impressed at your personal writings. Your emails, your essays - they sound so true and genuine that I always feel weak whenever i get them from you.

Remember the essays you asked me to edit?

maybe we should let the emo emails coming??? Hahaha... NO LAH! joking.


On the titan clash, you are not involved at all. For one, it might have been a repressed desire *big time*, and our emo roller coaster ride has made me release my thoughts. And desire.

Well, at least I'm honest with my thoughts. Sorry to make you feel guilty, but please don't. I don't want you to be the collateral damage.

She was just mad becoz I slammed the window at her face. That's a sweet moment, I tell you. :D

Cancel that. She might read it.


Aaahh... Screw her. Screw me.


I'm sorry for whatever has happened. I'm grateful that you still believe in our friendship, yet I feel deeply troubled and sorry because of some issues *you know abt them, and they should not be revealed here. Unless you want to see a blindside XD*


Please forgive me. :D

Yuinyi said...

Hahaha.. That's a long comment. =P

1.) Thanks for the er.. compliment? I never thought I'm good at that. XD I was just pouring out everything. Haha

2.) Well, I cannot help but feel guilty. Won't you, if you're in my place? =P

3.) Blindside? Wth. =.="

4.) I already did. =)
