7:35 AM


Posted by Yuinyi |

We were never really that close. But I know he cares for all of us.

He can be annoying, bossy, lame, and a bully (which brother isn't?). He missed my birthday party twice because of my stupid planning.

But he is a good cook. And I can bug him about Physics.

And he made me cry when he asked me if I needed to talk to him (on Plurk). *wonders if he meant it XD* Because I was half contemplating talking to him this afternoon. Which is weird. Cause we never talked personal. But for once, I wanted to see someone from home. And for some reason, I wished I could talk personal with him. Which is still going to be weird.

And he needs to finish his thesis.

And I shouldn't be bothering him.

And I shouldn't be crying.

I almost never say this, but I miss my brother. T.T
