2:23 AM

Why did I even bother.

Posted by Yuinyi |

I'm so messed up. I really am.

Why did I even bother to go and break my own heart? I should have stayed on the path and not let myself stray away. If you ask me, I seriously did not know what I was expecting. I did not know what I was hoping for. And I shouldn't even have had any hopes. I am the world's dumbest person.

You were right, Kelvian. I was stupid. So very stupid. And pathetic. I still am. And I keep doing stupid things that I know I shouldn't. And I still want to do stupid stuff.

Now I don't know what to do anymore. I feel so trapped. And it's like I am just trapping myself in this mess, secretly not wanting to get out. T.T

What's more depressing is how I need to force myself to do my Calculus homework and not let myself cry.

4 craps:

Pison The Great said...

Why so sad? :(

Think of Saturday. Think of Saturday. ;)

capricorn said...

hey, cheer up! here's sth i hope would make u happy. somewhat :)


Liz said...



don't be sad~

the one tht ganggu u on MSN sometimes said...

Don't blame yourself to be stupid, after all, it's still young, and the way to have a memorable youth, is rather being stupid and make mistakes, rather than being clever and ignore what you rational mind says...

I know i shudn't tell this...

Just ignore you mind now and see how thing turns out.

Remember, i'll support you no matter what's the choice you made.

Just nudge me in MSN if you still sad =p
