6:10 AM

Emotional breakdown

Posted by Yuinyi |

Everytime she browses through the list of contacts in her phonebook, she realises she doesn't know who to call, who she can talk to, who she can cry to.

If you manage to find her, please let her know, because she's lost.

It's not just about studies anymore. She can't stop the tears from rolling down.

10 craps:

Cedric ZH said...

Yuin Yi, take care. You are every bit a scholarship holder as everyone else.

Hold on tight, ok? :)

Pison The Great said...

I wish I could change major...

Hahaha... It's ok. I'll be honest. We both are at the wrong boat, but if we were to be on the wrong boat, let's sail together on the same boat, arrive safely and adapt to the new destination, no matter how wrongly placed we are. :P

Life can be as hard as it can get. But superhuman willpower, which everyone has, will bring us to unexpected quantum. :D

Ok, I'll stop. XD

Wheat-Nee said...

stay strong yuin yi!..everyone has their ups & downs..just dun linger too long at the downs kay?...tc.. =)

eric joe said...

hey, do u need a shoulder to cry on? when u re down, try 2 recall some sweet memories.. perhaps the method helps to console u partially.. life has ups and downs.. it is normal when u face obstacle in life but just bear in mind-every obstacle in lifes makes u stronger...

joe how..

Liz said...

*hugs yuinyi very very tightly*

i don't want to use words. you are one of the hardest worker i know, just sometimes circumstances doesn't agree with us.

*hugs* *hugs* *hugs* we go dinner together on wednesday when i come back, i give you a real real hug k?

bruce@shark said...

In response to your comment on my blog:

Thanks! I was so stressed out and horrified during this transition period. Now I will use my time to think and brace myself for the most hectic quarter next year. =/ But with mental preparation I will be ok. Life is not all play and party like I thought. I'm preparing to camp in the library more often next year. I honestly had a hard time adjusting at first in Stanford but now everything's going better. =)

Now, back to you. Calculus isn't that bad. The worst case scenario is(touch wood), audit and u repeat it in your second sem and take Cal 3 during summer and your done with it forever. Calculus in US is very fast. I'm learning Chapter 5-10 in 8 or 9 weeks.

Most of us know we are into fields that we have no idea what is it all about. I honestly feel a tinge of sadness when I know Stanford has a free, open major declaration whereby you don't have to declare your major till your sophomore year. So ppl can go from engineering to arts. No big deal. But we're different. It's a duty and a contract we signed. And like it or not, it's a give and take world. We get to study abroad for free(almost) and in return, we have to bring back something. And for you and I it'll be the engineering degree.

But believe that you got the scholarship for a reason. A really good one. And believe me, engineering may seem freaking hard (which it is) but it'll teach you how to think and analyze things whereby u'll find it useful when u work in any field later. (ppl tell me this one.. I tak tau punya =p)

Take care and I'll see you in US. We sama sama chia yu k? =)

bruce@shark said...

Oh and your friends are the gems. Really.

I personally couldn't have pulled through my first few weeks without the help of our nanny, Jian Wei and Subby. =)

I called and talked to them a lot. (free ma after 9pm on weekdays and weekends).

Anonymous said...

yuin yi~~~~~


Anonymous said...

sayang~ sayang~ Hold on tight, k? Everyone has thier little downs and super ups sometimes. Vanny's always here thou! =)

Take care k.. U'll be a great engineer one day, YY. Hehe Don't worry! *hugs!

Anonymous said...

Dear Yunyi,

Sometimes things can look pretty tragic. But trust me, one day you'll look back and chuckle at it all. Calculus isn't beyond you. Maybe it's just the circumstances that doesn't tally with the demands that it ensnare. So, you'll get another shot at it. So just chillax yeah!

As for doubting yourself being a scholarship holder....haha! You won't be the only one in the boat. Trust me when I say that many have treaded the grounds in which you have treaded; with the same doubts, sorrows and remorse. The unlucky ones didn't make it. The lucky ones barely scrapped through. But you're brave. At least you have the courage to tell it all, and let pride take the back seat as it was meant to be.

I guess no one here can promise you a life filled with roses. You will go through more of this....that I can be very certain. But all that counts is how you face those adversities. =)

Walk with your head erect; stride the path before you with confidence; prove to the world what Eleanor Roosevelt once coined:

Women are like teabags; you will only know how strong they are when you put them in hot water.

I'm sure a bimbo like you can do the same.


Jian Wei
