9:38 AM

Pickup at KBU

Posted by Yuinyi |


Today's pretty enjoyable!

First of all, I am (once again) back in Cemara, just arrived this morning. Since I have pretty much nothing to do (except my uni app) I agreed to go to the pickup at KBU.

It took us quite long to reach our destination. We actually waited for almost an hour at Section 18 for the bus. Then missed the LRT (but that wasn't much of a problem since LRT are fast unlike KTM). Then we took a taxi and the taxi driver thought he heard us saying KDU so we arrived at KDU before going to KBU. =.= And it was raining, hence the traffic jam (which delayed us even more).

So we played in the rain. And got wet. My bags got wet as well. *wails* So basically right now I'm drying everything I can in the living room. LOL

Anyway those people are really friendly. We had dinner together. ^_^ AND I GOT MY dream came true MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! *shh*

So now I know who is Kelvian, Jessica, Ji Mi, and some other people i forgot their names. And Ji Mi offered to drive us back to the bus stop where we waited for the RapidKL to pick us up. But we sort of got lost and plus RapidKL was slow, so we finally arrived safe and sound in Cemara at I think about 11. At least the guards didn't stop us. XD

Too bad we didn't take any pictures. *pouts*

It was all very fun! At least I didn't spend my day rotting again!

Mood : Tired but happy *huge grin*
