Posted by Yuinyi |

Today I met a friend. It seemed like ages ago since I last saw her. Despite everything she had to go through, she seemed so... cheerful. Perhaps not entirely cheerful but she sure looked better than I did. How did she manage to be so strong? It amazed me. I felt so small. I felt so messed up.

Haven't I been emotional enough these days?

Seeing her, I felt that I need to get up, splash a dozen of buckets of ice water on my face, and get my life back.

The problem is, I don't know how. I don't know where to start. I don't even know why it's so hard.

My friends asked me what's wrong. I don't even know how to explain it to them because I have no idea myself.

How did I end up in this mess?

*keeps in mind : I'm a freaking strong bimbo, I'll sail through.*
but how?

2 craps:

Liz said...

ur sail through in ur boat.



Yuinyi said...

Thank you..! I wish you're here!

Everyone's like gone. *looks left and right* I'm alone!
