2:14 PM


Posted by Yuinyi |

I was pretty mad at myself today for not bringing my umbrella with me to class. Hah. I was really tired and all I wanted to do was leave right after my Calculus discussion class and sleeeeeepp. And then it rained. And I didn't bring my umbrella. So I spent the next 15 minutes in the building watching people. :)

I love the rain.

But I don't like getting myself wet.

It's midterm week! I'm finding Calculus difficult. As usual. Since when has Calculus ever been easy for me? >.<

You know what's funny about me? I have a poster of John Mayer in my room, but I'm not exactly a fan. I have a poster of Bob Dylan, but I have no idea who he is or what his music is like, until recently. I have a poster of Audrey Hepburn. Yet to google her up. =.=

I need to do well in my tests. *determined* But how. =.=

Rainy day please stay
Rain rain don't go away, the sun can come back another day
Rainy day please stay
Well my mother, she doesn't bother with the dishes in the kitchen
Rainy day please stay

-Priscilla Ahn, Rain

I don't feel like bothering myself with the dishes in the kitchen too on a rainy day. Sorry housemates, I know my dishes are there, but I feel like sleeping first. Besides, I've been a good girl washing the dishes everyday! :) It's a rainy day!

Listening to Priscilla Ahn - Rain

