I had a hard time falling asleep yesterday, although being very tired. X(
Can you believe it?
It's already the end of the year. Oh gosh. Any of you noticed how damn fast the time flies this year? It seemed like just yesterday that I took my first step into Intec. Something must have made the clock tick 3 times faster than usual. I can't believe it's going to be the New Year!!
Anyway it seemed really fun seeing everyone doing this end year thingy. ^__^
I am so doing one too. XD
Taking a glance back into 2007, I'd say I'm pretty satisfied with this year. I mean, it's okay, like not too good not too bad.
Wait, hasn't EACH year been an okay one for me? XD
Alright at least there's something different this year. For the past 17 years I have been stuck in Melaka. Not that I hate it or anything. I'm a very Melaka person. ^__^
But this year, like for the first time, I have been away from home for studies. From getting my SPM results, being interviewed by JPA (that's how I met Kate *smiles*), waking up before 8 to check the results, going for Form 6 for one month (it was probably that one month that I appreciated being with my friends the most), getting lost on the way to Cemara for registration, meeting new people in Intec, getting all stressed up for I-don't-know-what, and sending the seniors off. Sometimes I still wonder how I made my way here. Back in January, if one had told me all these would happen to me in the next 11 months, I would have laughed my head off and tell you you're totally out of your mind and that it could never happen.
Yes, I have pics too.
When we celebrated Mei Mae's birthday party for her. Don't you forget mine!
The BBQ night at Mich's place. I simply love this pic. ^_^
That wonderful one month at Malacca High School. They had a farewell party for me and Ah Siok! *touched* My very close friends and I totally love this pic too. I know it's a bit dark, but oh it's the camera phone lar.
And then, I joined Boston and met these nice people.
The Space Tunnel -me and Mei Yueh did the globes. ^_^ Thank you, Sheng Kai.
Remember the Comic Fest, Mei Yueh? Introducing Leoz.
The cute, talented, cool, ambidextrous comic artist. I think I did tell every single person on Earth already. XD
I just have to include one more pic of him.
Did I mention I saw Lin Yu Zhong live? That's him.
I was about half a meter away from him. Although very to the side. =)
I even joined the basketball team. Funny eh?
I won't forget the fire flowers.
And pretending to look emo.
That's the last CELL meeting. X(
Our hard works for the OC campaign! That'll include Kate, Professor Chun How, Kamal, and me.
Don't forget our class's supposedly farewell party. ^_^
The times in Taiping.
We had fries better than McDonald's. Look at Bu!
And the last event that kept me alive, the 6 days trip. ^_^
Of course, I can't say it's a totally grrreeeaaat year cause nothing REALLY fantastic happened to me except getting the scholarship, which seemed almost fantastic once upon a time. Duh.
That was how I wasted my year. n__n
So a very big thank you to everyone who has made my year a nice one.
-To my dad, of course, having sacrificed so much (ie. getting my certs for me all the way from Melaka to Shah Alam - that wasn't a smooth ride, mind you)
-To my dear sisters for sticking to me all the time, in other words, being totally manja. It does get pretty irritating sometimes.
-To my brother, for erm being my brother? Okay he did drove me back to Shah Alam.
-To my mum, I miss you.
-To Jas, Mei Mae, Mich, Shirleen for always being there for me and for being my wonderful friends, despite our little arguments sometimes. =P
-To Mei Yueh and Ah Siok for always gossiping and teasing me. XD And to Mei Yueh again, for inviting me to the pizza party. It made a whole lot of difference.
-To Li Lin for being Doraemon. =P
-To Sanddy, Alicia, Shierin for being my lovely housemates. ^__^
-To all Bostonians for being Bostonians. And for making my first semester a colourful one.
-To Lisa and Vanny for being my long long lasting friends. And not forgetting the gossiping and stories.
-To Miaw Jyi, for reminding me to thank her. =P Of course, for her friendship, the songs she sang, the words she said that never failed to make me a happier person, and for being our very own "Jay Chou". =)
-To Soon Yi, Joshua and Manford for cheering me up and making me laugh so much. And for being the 4408 trio. And for the craps, I appreciate them a lot, Manford.
-To the other seniors - Joanne, Lee Yung, Bu, Carolyn, Sheng Kai, Kah Long, Hwee Lin, and the list goes on, for being such nice seniors.
-To anyone who have made me pissed off.
-To anyone who have made me smile.
-And to everyone else that I missed out for being alive so I am not the only one on Earth. You guys contributed the most. =)
Well, of course I can't miss out my new year resolutions in this one!!
It's not much..
NumberONE, I think I should really study harder!! I don’t think I’ve studied hard enough this year. X(
NumberTWO, I’ve said this every year and failed, but yes, I still want to be thinner. XD
NumberTHREE, must save more, spend less! Do remind me on this one from time to time, won’t you?
NumberFOUR, er.. be happy?
That's about it. ^_^
See yah, 2007!! Hello 2008!!