1:19 AM

Eye On Melaka

Posted by Yuinyi |

Finally I get to watch The Golden Compass. =)

It was kinda okay. Not fantastic or anything, but it got me entertained. I'd probably give it a 3.5 out of 5.

After the movie, we, that is me, Vanny, and three other guys, went for a drink. You know, the usual stuff.

We got bored and decided to visit the Eye On Melaka. Or at least that's what people call it. *shrug*

It's not very big. I heard the Eye on Malaysia is twice it's diameter.

And this is the bridge that leads us there. It goes across the Melaka River.

Yep. It was raining. But I always loved rain! =)

Up-close. Closer. And of course, had to take a pic of ourselves. =P

Up up up we go! Those guys were just waiting waiting waiting for it to stop right on top.

We went up on the pirate ship too! Fun but it got my stomach feeling a little weird. I would love to go on it again! Then, we stopped by beside the Melaka River. Actually it's kinda coughpollutedcough. But it can never be compared to the Klang River. *giggles*

It was kinda fun. Just hanging around at night. Beside the Melaka River. XD

1 craps:

Pison The Great said...

I watched it too!!

Haven't gotten the time to update my blog, though....
