Happy 51st Merdeka peeps!
Had a blast of a countdown? Mine was just okay. XD
I know I was supposed to stay back in Shah Alam to study, BUT I thought, what's the harm of going out to Sunway for a day, maybe just half a day, just to chill it out a little? So, *flicks the wand* that's exactly where I ended up to be.
The night before, LA night, and I was supposed to be the project manager for the night itself. However, I didn't do much for a project manager, *sad* and well, Sanddy helped a lot, as the IE club president, the project manager for the whole LA week, aaanndd as my roomie. =P The night was not bad, thanks to Sanddy, and everyone else on the committee team of course (Liz, Li Xuan, Yu Peng, Faiz, Foong Yi and Sanjay-for drama-, and everyone else lar). Well, for more information and pictures, refer to Sanddy's blog please. =P
So, after LA night, came back to Cemara and ended up talking to the guys, and a game of truth or dare until about 1 a.m. XD
What's frustrating is, no water supply at that time!! It's really starting to get on my nerves. I demand an explanation and will get it! (when I remember XD)
Anyways, the next day, headed off to Sunway at 10 and came back... this morning. =.=
What happened to 'for a day, or maybe just half a day'??
I dunno.
And the harm is indeed great. Shopping. Killed me. Need to fast already.
But but but, just like last year's Merdeka eve, I got a free make-up session. Yay. XD
Reminisce. Last year's make-up session with M.A.C in Midvalley. Smokey effect.
This year's make-up session. This time with Definate (Italian brand niahahaha)
Smokey effect too, but I think I like this one better. ^_^ The make-up artist happened to be of the same age as me omg.
Later on, was supposed to join the crowd outside Sunway for the countdown. The crowd looked lame, so we ended up just hanging out at Coffeebean, and some mamak until dawn. =P
Can you believe I slept from 8 in the morning right till 6 in the evening? I got a shock when I woke up. *smacks self*
So another half a day wasted.
Now I really need to get working.
Hello peeps! I'm back in Cemara. XD
Just done half of my slides for my Civilization presentation. Ahh, finally, done something. Although I took such a long time. =.=
Bbq postponed. *sobs* Was really looking forward to it.
Yuinyi, go sleep.
Saw the Olympic closing ceremony at Ms. Deela's place. Great, but of course, not as spectacular as the opening. The opening totally took my breath away. Made me so proud that my ancestors are from China. LOL
But the fake parts, pretty sad case. Hmm...
Anyways I'm just trying to kill time.
Everynight there's no water supply to my dorm. Need to complain soon. Oh and I lost my student card. Need to redo ($$ gone). *sigh*
You're sleepy. Go sleep.
I browsed through Pison's blog that day. Reread one of the very early posts. Cannot help but to laugh at the days in Boston (Fall 07). The laughter and what not. My name being Jyou Ling. XD Come to think of it, Jyou Ling sounds so... Chinese. XD Not bad.
I kinda miss those days. Somehow seemed so carefree.
Yuinyi, go sleep.
Fine. I'll sleep.
P/S: My dad said he'll get me a DSLR if I intend to take up Photography!!! XD XD
I am so. so. so. bored.
No car to use. It's raining. And I am at home. With tons of work bugging me. =.=
Haven't been productive during the entire week at all.
I've come to a conclusion. When I am bored, the tendency of me searching for food goes up up up, therefore the probability of me getting fat goes up up up too. Arrgghh.
Home - not a study-friendly environment. At all. =.=
Yuinyi, when are you going to start working??
It's been a long night. I don't even know where to start.
First things first, I just want to apologize. To my dad, for making him so worried. I don't know what else to say.. I was careless, clumsy, and stupid.
And to Daryl, for troubling him so so much, and a very very big thank you for everything (eventhough you have a test omg) and I just cannot thank you enough. I owe you a HUGE one.
I was sending Nanny off and well I got into some trouble (as always) and I'm just feeling totally sucky about it.
So I needed to blog, eventhough I'm like really tired and I need a bathe. I need to blog first.
Nanny, ok for once (in a very long time), Manford, will be on the plane by now. Can you believe I didn't cry? Eventhough it was totally suffocating me. Still is. And I got to see the ever so famous nephew he's always talking about. ^_^ So anyway I gave him a huge hug and had to leave without seeing him in. =( And then I walked off. I freaking forgot to say bye to Nanny's family!! *smacks self* I feel so terrible. =.= I mean, they are like really nice and all. But I was like trying not to cry and just freaking walked off after saying goodbye to Nanny. I blanked out (as always) and now I feel stupid. *smacks self again* I'll miss him. To Nanny, thank you, bye bye and don't forget our deal. =P I'll definately look for you again.
Jian Wei left earlier too. So sad, cause I couldn't make it to send him off. =( To Jian Wei, thanks for always making my day a happier one. I know I am a 'freaking strong bimbo'. *laughs* I'll miss you too.
Gosh, freaking emo. Still trying to accept the fact that Nanny's not here anymore and the fact that I am so stupid.
Wanna take a bath, get my IC, and head back to Melaka. (if there's a bus, sigh)
Boo! I'm back in Cemara. =P For a day or two. And guess what? I stupidly left my wallet behind. I'm going to have to survive on 17 bucks for now. And to do that, I walked from the bus station instead of taking the taxi. *proud* =P
Okayyy, Pison tagged me (wth?) so, to kill time (remember, I'm freaking in Cemara with nothing to do LOL) I'll just do it lor.
1) What is the most important thing in your life?
Seriously, I don't know!!! XD
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
My new wallet! =D
3) Where do you wish to get married?
Honestly, anywhere will do. I mean, what does it matter as long as the person I'm going to get married to is there? =P But I've always pictured a marriage in a garden. ^_^
4) How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your lover?
Err.... =.=
5) Are you in love?
In love with myself? Can I blush at that? XD
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
Does lunch count? McD? =P
Fine, dinner - Cemara Cafe can?
7) Name the latest book that you bought.
The last time I bought books was at the Popular bookfest. =.= Just to name a few, The Kite Runner, The Last Lecture, The Secret..
8) What is your full name?
9) Do you prefer your mother or your father?
Well, right now, only my dad's around, and yes I love him! But I do miss my mum too. ^_^
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time.
Gosh, now that I think about it, there are so many...
11) Christina or Britney?
Uh... I used to like BOTH of them. Now I dislike BOTH of them, but if I really have to choose, it'll be Christina cause I'm currently addicted to her "Hurt" LOL
12) Do you do your own laundry?
Laundry shop, except certain clothes. =P
13) The most exciting place you want to go?
Soul Society *randomrandomLOL*
14) Hug or kisses?
Depends lar on the occassion. =.=
15) 8 things I am passionate about.
-Anything to do with art and design (as always)
-My blog
-My laptop
-My frisbee disc?
-Frisbee itself
-Softball! (gosh I just remembered =P)
16) 8 things I say too often,
-makkau (used to - i even used it with my friends in melaka and they'll be like 'huh??)
-duhhh (currently the new IN word LOL)
-I don't know
17) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again.
- Fergie - Finally
- Jonas Brothers - When You Look Me In The Eyes
- Seether ft Amy - Broken
- Uverworld - DTechno Live
- Jon McLaughlin - So close
- Rascal Flatts - What Hurts The Most
- Disney - When You Wish Upon A Star (I'm a very Disney lover =P)
- Seriously, most Jay Chou's songs =P
18) 8 things I learned last year.
-SAT words
-How to drive
-Calculus (tho I doubt I got even half of it in my head)
-Sarawak dance?
-How to stand in a moving bus with heels and baju kurung and a whole lot of books on my arms
-How to club? =P
-How to surviveeee
19) 8 people to tag
Wookay, done and I'm gonna get going to Sunway and walk around (reminder to self : no money, cannot shop!) while waiting for my friend to pick me up.
I stumbled upon one of my junior's (same batch as my youngest sis) blog. Damn am I pissed off.
Putting photos of teachers, cursing the teachers in the blog. Wthotdog. Wtfisheggs. Effing immatured. And she calls herself a prefect. (not to mention she's in the softball team) I feel so ashamed of her.
Come to think of it, I have no idea how many other juniors like her there are. I probably just didn't blog hop enough to come across the others.
What the heck man.
Do you know how much I love McD's fries? *waves calories away* =P
Okay that was random. But I do love the fries! *grins*
So here I am, in my dorm, listening to Christina Aguilera, flipping through Facebook, trying the new look, changing it back to the old one, changing it back to the new one. Oh boredom! Waiting for the time to pass. Another half an hour before I head off back to home sweet home. Ahh!!
It's amazing I managed to pack everything in like half an hour. I shouldn't have started packing so early.. see, now I got nothing to do but to waste my time away.
Anyway I was on Facebook, and then I wondered what my friends who are flying soon have been doing to waste their time away at home. Then it struck me, I'm going to die of boredom when it's my turn.
Talk about having half an hour to waste, I'm going to have at least a month to waste when I finish my Summer 09! That's not even the main problem. The problem is, I am so gonna miss Cemara and everyone. LOL can you believe I am saying this? =P
I know I am being so random. Ahahaks.
I'm going homeeeee!!
Later :
Reached home. YAY!
Emo. High school gathering tomorrow with some old friends. In the end, most of them cannot make it tomorrow. I wanna meet JYI!!!!! I've waited for so long... Now mission unaccomplished. Emo.
Emo. Everyone went to bed early, din get to chat much with them. Emo.
Why laaaaahhhh???
Wthotdog. (lol i think its so cute)
Today I failed Calculus. Can you believe that I didn't even know how to do a SINGLE question out of 5? And oh I left the last question entirely blank. See how damn smart I am that I cannot do 5 Calculus questions? If I can get half of the full marks, it would be a miracle.
My dad asked me what I have been doing for the past 10 days. How to answer leh? =.=
Forget it. I have gotten a new spirit the moment I looked hopelessly at my blank paper as my lecturer called out, "Last 5 minutes!". Okay, not new, but renewed. LOL. I'm going to aim for the next quiz/test/whatever. Screw this one. I was too tired my brain couldn't even work.
Suddenly everyone's really leaving. Chun How forwarded a message to me this morning at 4 (when I was still fast asleep) telling that he won't be using his current number anymore (duh) and reminded me to add him on MSN. Well, I wasn't that close to him, but yeah, we do talk and laugh crap, and he was afterall my classmate for my first semester. I kinda miss him now.
Yi Ling's gone too. Athough I wasn't close to her, it means another person gone.
Jian Wei's leaving on Sunday. =( I just remembered.
And I met Sheng Kai for the last time today before he flies tomorrow morning. We made plans to meet up today and suddenly he told me he's sorry he couldn't make it (right after I screwed my Calculus test, imagine). I was so sad, I wanted to meet him for one last time, and give him a big hug and his farewell gift. Worse, no one wanted to go for a movie. Worse, my other friend who was supposed to meet me in Sunway said no as well. So everything went wrong.
Then Sheng Kai suddenly texted me and told me he can meet me! Oh thank goodness! Can you imagine how I rushed so that I can meet him in time, because obviously he's busy and stuff? Oh THANK YOU so much Sheng Kai for finding time to meet me!! And thank you so much for the ice-cream! Just what I needed after my Calculus paper! ^_^ I love him for always spoiling me and Mei Yueh. XD
Gosh, he's flying, tomorrow. I'm so gonna miss him!!!
And Nanny's flying off soon. Next week! I just found out today. It's Monday! Which means, I most probably cannot send him off at the airport, which makes me really very very sad. =(
See how sad it is? It's not emo, just sad. But I know, I'll meet them again. I'm going to Iowa to find baby. Sheng Kai, better get a place ready for me to bunk in!!
Next up, gotta study for my C++ test which is on Friday. (and it means I can only go back to Melaka Friday night *sad*)
Can you believe I actually acted dumb because I didn't want my lecturer to think that I didn't do the work because my brain couldn't function that night (when I stayed up for Physics), but because I am too stupid and didn't know how to do?
Omg I feel so fake, so bad.
JK was totally laughing and saying how I make such a great actress. LOL okay at some point, I really blanked out okay. But I am not that dumb in C++, in fact I kinda enjoy C++. =P
Okay enough crapping. Better study or I'll be flunking another paper.
6.30 a.m in the morning. No sleep. Physics. Coffeee~!

jihouh insufficient says: find the sum of F edi or not?
jihouh insufficient says: what's the Sum of F ????
Yuinyi says: sum of F? means its mg?
jihouh insufficient says: Sum of F mean u add up all the force
jihouh insufficient says: *aiyo*
jihouh insufficient says: got 3 forces there what
Yuinyi says: oh
jihouh insufficient says: just add everything
jihouh insufficient says: aduh
Yuinyi says: but they din give the two F also
jihouh insufficient says: *pengsan*
jihouh insufficient says: can u just add up the Fs and type out
Yuinyi says: ok ok *LOL*
Yuinyi says: omg hahaha ok ok
jihouh insufficient says: ini malas ni, must see nums only how to do, next time all more nums i see how u do
Yuinyi says: Ft + Ft - Mg?
Yuinyi says: aiyo i dun understand ma
jihouh insufficient says: u solve all unkwons one, then simplify the thing
Yuinyi says: 2 Ft - Mg?
jihouh insufficient says: eqn got '=0' *swt*
Yuinyi says: OHHH
jihouh insufficient says: SSSEEEEEE
Yuinyi says: ahaha okayyy, omg
jihouh insufficient says: ask u add 3 simply thing oso dun
Yuinyi says: okay okayy LOL
jihouh insufficient says: dun care what's F what's m what's g, just simplify evverything first
Yuinyi says: okay then...
jihouh insufficient says: *pengsan*
jihouh insufficient says: then what?
Yuinyi says: 2Ft = Mg
Yuinyi says: OOOHHH *wide eyes*
jihouh insufficient says: u still dun see the half?
jihouh insufficient says: omg
Yuinyi says:HAHAHAHA
jihouh insufficient says: =.=
jihouh insufficient says: *pengsan*
Yuinyi says: ok i feel so stupid
jihouh insufficient says: now u know la
jihouh insufficient says: i didn't know i'm such a genius.
Done! Everything's settled! All that's left to do is to collect my IC 10 days from now! ^_^ And I didn't even have to pay RM110 for the IC, just RM60. Because I'm a student. Wakakakaka. Although the lady reprimanded me for not bring my student card. She seemed so keen to get the discount for me, eventhough I didn't mind paying RM110 just to get everything done ASAP. Muahahaha.
Now, I gotta get a wallet. To store all my rubbish. Feels so weird without one, cash all over my body. =P
And I gotta study. Yes, Calculus I am coming for you.
As Jia Mun said, (okay this is Calculus) after relative minimum, the graph will go up. ( I thought that only applies to my mood changes =P)
Anyway I chatted with Nanny yesterday and realised how much I miss him and Mei Yueh. *nodsnods* Really really. ^_^ And Nanny made me realise that I haven't been to TGV in a very very long time. Huhu~
One thing off my mind now. I hope everything else gets better too.
Damn it damn it damn it.
I actually LOST my police report. And I need it to redo my IC, which I planned to do later today. Now I can't find that police report.
Damn damn damn.
Either that piece of paper succesfully flew out of my room window, or I stupidly dropped it.
I can't be more unlucky that this. And I can't be stupider than this. I'd be swearing if I didn't promise myself I wouldn't do it.
Seriously, I need some good reprimanding. For being so stupid. For being so careless. I'd be scolding myself if it doesnt't make me look like a mad woman.
Everything's going wrong wrong wrong. And I so need to catch up on Calculus, which I intended to do tonight, but mission failed cause I was too busy looking for the police report.
I guess I'll go to bed, skip classes to go to the police station, again, and try to get everything done ASAP. I've been a parasite for too long.
Sigh, I thought I'd finally be able to concentrate on Calculus tonight.
I am so disappointed with you, yet I want our friendship back. I doubt you even realise that it's on the edge of breaking. Either that or you care too little to ask. Don't expect me to give in again and again.
I'm stalking my friend's best friend on Facebook. *whisper: he's so cute! How come I didn't notice that before?!*
And I am procrastinating a lot. Argh.
Feeling sucky, lazy and sleepy. Zzzz... Oh and I don't think I want to post about Space Tunnel anymore. *some reasons*
Pardon me for being so down lately.
All I want right now is to run back home.
I'm looking for a breakaway. If I can just disappear for a week...
I woke up this morning feeling very enthusiastic to go and settle my police report and get my bank card done so that I can withdraw money again.
Then the lady at the bank told me I cannot do anything without my IC. Great. It ruined my entire mood. I didn't even want to go to RedBox (CJ invited me yesterday) anymore.
So I was feeling wasted, useless, down, sluggish and I ended up falling asleep and waking up only to fall asleep again. And yea, I was all alone, miserable in my dorm. So much for wanting to get started on my revision. (I haven't touched my Calculus for days!!!) In short, I was just feeling very sucky the entire morning.
And then Jian Wei came and made my day!! *smiles* Yeaps, he dropped by and chatted with me and Liz, and man was that refreshing! I'm so gonna miss you, Jian Wei! Thanks for always making my day! It's such a waste I didn't get to know you earlier... =(
Ok so now, my mood is slightly up, and yea, I'm gonna kick some Calculus ass!
Oh yea, pictures on Space Tunnel up soon!
*Clay Aiken - On My Way Here*
The Girl
- Yuinyi
- I'm Yuinyi. Call me Joelyn if it's easier to remember but I really like Yuinyi better. 19, and just settled down in Urbana-Champaign, USA. I try to be happy most of the time, but I tend to blog more when I am unhappy. Weird, no? I love my Nikon D3000 and I'm still exploring it. Fan of artsy stuff. Don't have any idea why I am still doing engineering. Fan of Ultimate, but suck at it. Currently addicted to shopping and bubble milk tea. No one is more naive than I am. Also have a habit of laughing too much, and for too long at a time. :)
My Blog List
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