12:25 PM

The Blog

Posted by Yuinyi |

Being a bimbo, I think about random stupid stuff. People say I ask stupid questions, which I agree. XD

Anyway, what's going to happen to my blog if say I suddenly got hit by a car, or lorry, or bus while driving around recklessly? Or if say there's a huge (read : HUGE GIGANTIC HUUUGGEE) mega sales in town, and I die in a stampede of shoppers? Or maybe I got hit by a frisbee disc and die wth??

LOL okay touch wood touch wood. I don't want to die yet, but what will happen to my blog if I do die? XD

So I was having this conversation with Pison a.k.a Hafidz.

Pison : You know what, if I die, my blog is just going to be hanging there, untouched. Leaving a trace behind. LOL
Yuinyi : Ah, you can always go back and haunt the blog.
Pison : OOOOHHH, great idea. Imagine if I've died, then SUDDENLY the blog is updated. Hahahaha!!
Yuinyi : Yea, everyone will scream in horror. *animated* You can post up a goodbye post.
Pison : And then it will enter the news. "Pelajar-pelajar Intec menjerit ketakutan apabila blog salah seorang rakan mereka yang telah meninggal dunia tiba tiba diupdatekan (okay, what's the word, I can't recall wth)"
Yuinyi : Hahaha!!
Pison : Eh, we can actually make a movie out of this!! *excited*
Yuinyi : Yes, the storyline, whoever reads the blog, will die. At 12 a.m.
Pison : Or they will scream and go crazy, because when they read my blog, my head will appear suddenly. We need a title for the movie.
Yuinyi : *in serious, deep tone* The Blog....
Pison : *ketawa terbahak-bahak* The Blog!!!
Both : *laughs*

Okay at least the conversation is SOMETHING like this. I think it is like 50% accurate only. You get the idea lah. XD


Very sweat hoh.

10 craps:

bruce@shark said...

If Hafidz ever do that, I'll make silly faces when I read his blog. =p

Yuinyi said...

Hahaha it's supposed to be ha horror movie!

bruce@shark said...

Hafidz can nvr do horror.... WITH US! =P

tachimurakiyuri said...

ok here comes a similar question

What happened to tachimurakiyuri.blogspot.com when the author appeared to have right hand injured

And blog still get updated

hehehe thats the real horror...

cuz it's real...


Pison The Great said...

JK.... I can type with my feet....

What mo to say if u still havae ur left hand...

Dumbotic. XD

Yuinyi said...

HAHAHAHA JK JK.. ur hand cemented, ur fingers still can move righttt... LOL

Liz said...

What happened to JK? Still OK I hope? Nothing more than a broken arm?

Btw, if u haunt ur blogs and kill whoever who reads it.. you'll lose this faithful reader.


Yuinyi said...

I won't haunt mine. I'll probably just post one final blog post, a goodbye one. And I shall make everyone cry! Muahahahah XD

Pison The Great said...

Hantu baik la u ni???



Yuinyi said...

Memang baik lah, not like you!

