3:49 AM


Posted by Yuinyi |

*edited due to extreme boredom*

Okay random things coming up, cause I am officially bored till the highest possible order of boredom.

1. Went mamak-ing and saw THAT extremely cute guy! *swoons* Plus, we (my friends and I) were just talking about him when he appeared right in front of us. LOL Can't believe my fate. XD Promised not to blog about this, but I'm really bored you know!!! Spare me.

2. Found out someone has a tattoo. *jaws dropped*

3. I almost got killed. By the gas stove. If KAH-BOOOOMMMMM how? *speechless*

4. Freaking white shoes aren't white anymore. =(

5. Jogged a LOT today. REALLLLYYYY!!!!

6. Trying to get back into drawing. Not satisfied not satisfied.

7. Going back tomorrow morning. *sigh*

8. Making stupid mistakes on the road and getting people to go 'PPOOOONNNNNN" at me really spoil my day. For example yesterday. Caught in a stupid jam. X(

9. Lazy to pimpfight. But don't wanna lose. How? (still losing)

10. Jay Chou really cute in KungFu Dunk. =P

11. Loves the new Cold Storage in Melaka. Although things are really expensive. Nice to window shop. =P

12. My house is turning into a zoo. There's a cat which doesn't want to go away, and it's getting pregnant too I think. (Congrats?) Then came the black hen out of nowhere. Then I see a cock. Perhaps I can get some eggs some day. My sis told me there was a bat. And as Mei Mae reminded me, there're frogs too. What's next? A cow?

13. I trimmed my hair. =) Since only two person saw the difference, I'm announcing to the whole world. I trimmed my hair!

14. I was so bored I took a walk around my housing area for the first time in months. Years maybe? It's sort of nice to know that the playground I used to play at still has that same see-saw, that same swing and that same er.. what do you call papan gelongsor in English? XD Was tempted to go on it, but it'd look extremely ridiculous. =P

15. I just realised make-ups make my face look so pale and ugly without it. So freaky. Cutting down on that.

16. I don't see many updated blogs. Adds on to my boredom. XD

17. Feeling sleepy. Going to nap.


6 craps:

사성개 said...

wtf?!!! you saw a cock?!!!

Yuinyi said...

Yea. You know, as in male chicken? LOL. Why? Don't tell me people in KL haven't seen chickens? HAHAHA

Yen Yi said...

papan gelongsor = slide??

wakakaa =P

Yuinyi said...


Thanks! Wakakaka how silly. =P

Pison The Great said...

You saw a COCK???


You miss Sheng's point!!

Yuinyi said...

I know lah. XD
